Workshop on Machine Learning Techniques for Software Development and Optimization (MLOpt 2023)

(Co-located with HiPEAC 2023 - Session #8012, in Toulouse, France, January 16 - 18, 2023)

Submit your extended abstract ↗

MLOpt Workshop at HiPEAC 2023

Machine learning and AI techniques have shown considerable promise in automating optimization and decision processes that were previously the realm of human experts or classical combinatorial approaches. The MLOpt workshop addresses the usage of ML and AI techniques in the area of the software development and deployment life-cycle in high-performance computing. Submissions are welcome that report on the usage of machine learning techniques in all areas of software development, porting, optimization, and deployment with a focus on high performance and parallel computing platforms.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to

Program Committee (under construction)


MLOpt 2023 is a workshop in the context of the EuroHPC projects SparCity and DComEX. The co-organizers of the workshop are Karl Fuerlinger (LMU Munich, Germany) and George Stavroulakis (NTUA, Greece).

Sparcity DCoMEX

Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit two-page extended abstracts in the IEEE Conference Proceedings format. There will be no formal published proceedings for the workshop, but we plan make the submissions available to workshop participants to foster discussion during the event.

Please submit your extended abstract on Easychair.

Important dates

Workshop Program

The workshop is scheduled to take place on Monday Jan. 16, 2023 as an in-person event in Toulouse, France.

Session 1: 14:00 - 15:30 (25 min + 5min Q&A)

Coffee Break 15:30 - 16:00

Session 2: 16:00 - 17:00 (25 min + 5min Q&A)

Website contact: Karl Fürlinger, Header logo credit: Carlotta Govi